Symbols are not universal – check database help as needed
Offers a way to easily search for words with multiple endings or within words or word groups.
Use symbols to replace a single character, can use in middle or end of word.
Place phrases in Quotations Marks
Caveat: Turns off auto mapping and auto explode in PubMed
Proximity searching allows for searching for two or more terms within a certain number of words of each other.
Use N# or N/# or NEAR/# if the words can appear in any order
e.g. N3 finds the words if they are a max of 3 words apart from one another, regardless of the order in which they appear.
insurance N3 reimbursement will find results like:
insurance reimbursement
insurance for reimbursement
reimbursement practices of insurance companies
insurance approval and reimbursement
Use W# or PRE/p if you want the words in a specific order
COVID-19 pandemic and public health protocols
COVID-19 related protocols
Madonna church
Madonna church
Madonna Virgin Mary
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