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University of Detroit Mercy
Michigan History
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Michigan History: Books
Journal Articles
County Histories
Andrews, Wayne. Architecture in Michigan. 1982
Eckert, Kathryn Bishop. Buildings of Michigan. rev ed. 2012
The library also has several copies of the 1st ed.
Ferry, W. Hawkins. The Buildings of Detroit: a history. rev. ed. 1980
Selected Bibliography
Armour, David A. and Keith Widder. At the Crossroads: Michilimackinac during the American Revolution. 1986.
Buley, R. Carlyle. The Old Northwest: pioneer period, 1815-1840. 1950
Cleland, Charles E. Rites of Conquest: the history and culture of Michigan's Native Americans. 1992.
Dunbar, Willis F. All Aboard!: a history of railroads in Michigan. 1969
Dunbar, Willis, Michigan: a history of the Wolverine State. 3rd rev. ed. 1995
Fine, Sidney. Expanding the Frontiers of Civil Rights: Michigan, 1948-1968.
Gilpin, Alec R. The War of 1812 in the Old Northwest. 1959. ebook
Physical print copies are also available.
Gray, Susan. The Yankee West: community life on the Michigan Frontier. 1996.
Lankston, Larry D. Cradle to Grave: life, work, and death at the Lake Superior copper mines. 1991.
Mason, Phillip. Rumrunning and the Roaring Twenties: prohibition on the Michigan-Ontario waterway. 1995.
Nevins, Allan. Ford. 1954-1963.
Also available as a physical book: CT 275 .F68 M37
Peckham, Howard. Pontiac and the Indian Uprising. 1994
Romig, Walter, Michigan Place Names: the history of the founding and the naming of more than five thousand past and present communities. 1973.
Tanner, Helen Hornbeck. Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History. 1987
Thompson, Steamboats and Sailors of the Great Lakes. 1991
Vinyard, JoEllen McNergney. For Faith and Fortune: the education of Catholic Immigrants in Detroit, 1805-1925. 1998
Weeks, George. Stewards of the State: the governors of MIchigan. 1991
White, Robert. The Middle Ground: indians, empires, and republics in the Great Lakes region, 1650-1815. 1991
The first edition is available as a physical copy in the Michigan Core collection.
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, Michigan. 1997
Bunge, William. Fitzgerald: geography of a revolution. 2011.
Parkins, Alman E. The Historical Geography of Detroit. 1918
This is also available as a physical book in the library's collection: Michigan Core F 574 .D4 P24.
Summers, L. M. Michigan: a geography. 1984
Sinclair, Robert. Metropolitan Detroit: an anatomy of social change. 1977
Journal Articles
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