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If you need assistance, contact me for research consultations: werdeljc@udmercy.edu or call 313-993-1071.
Metro-Detroit Regional Vehicle Cybersecurity Institute
Detroit Mercy recently received a $1.12-million grant from the Department of Defense to establish the Metro-Detroit Regional Vehicle Cybersecurity Institute, a regional-based cybersecurity consortium. The curriculum is designed to expand the cybersecurity engineering workforce through an applied curriculum developed with automotive and government partners. It will include degrees and certificates ranging from the high school level to the graduate level.
Read more about the grant here: https://www.udmercy.edu/about/news/articles/2021/07-14-viceroy-grant.php
Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity
"On May 12, President Biden signed Executive Order 14208: Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity to support our nation’s cybersecurity and protect the critical infrastructure and Federal Government networks underlying our nation’s economy and way of life." The order includes sections on: