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University of Detroit Mercy Libraries

SAE MobilityRxiv

New S A E Mobility Archive

SAE MobilityRxiv is "a first-of-its-kind, free online preprint server and sharing service for English-language preprints dedicated solely to the mobility and transportation field. The server will allow authors to upload and share manuscripts, such as preliminary, non-published research articles and papers, white papers, theses, and dissertations, that have not yet been peer reviewed, published or under consideration for publishing. MobilityRxiv is free for all users to browse, download, cite and use all papers according to the license associated with each paper."

Transportion Research Board

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Using this Guide

This guide will help you conduct library research.  Use the tabs across the top for information on:

  • Planning and DesignIncludes books on the design of highways and bikeways, sustainable design, and pedestrian-centered design

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

New edition of the MUDTC 

The Federal Highway Administration is holding webinars in March and April  to explain proposed ammendments to the upcoming eleventh edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTDC).  The process for submitting comments will also be explained.  Register here: 

The current edition of the MUTDC was published in 2009, and amendments were added in 2012.   You can view and download the current edition, with ammendments incorporated, here:   

The library also has a hard copy shelved in the reference shelving on the first floor under this call number: HE 371 .A3 M36 2009

book cover: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

You can view a list of known errors in the current edition here:

