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Circulation and User Services

Study Room Information

The McNichols Campus Library has eight study rooms: six on the first floor, one on the second floor, and one on the lower level.  Currently, the six study rooms on the first floor are available for reservation.

Members of the University community can book a study room here.






Guidelines for Appropriate Use

  • Study rooms on the first floor must be reserved online at the link above.
  • Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours.
  • The reservation will be cancelled if the room is not occupied after 15 minutes.
  • Unattended personal property may not be used to "hold" a room by any individual or group.  Unattended belongings will be moved to lost and found.
  • Study room users should behave in a manner consistent with the policies set forth in the Detroit Mercy Student Handbook.  Appropriate use of the group study rooms is on the honor system.
  • Please clean up after yourselves, limit noise, and do not obstruct windows or doors.