The McNichols Campus Library has seven study rooms: six on the first floor and one on the lower level. Currently, the six study rooms on the first floor are available for reservation.
PLEASE NOTE: Online sign-up is currently unavailable for library study rooms. Study rooms may be reserved in person, in the library, via the sign-up sheets posted on study room doors.
Guidelines for Appropriate Use
- Study rooms on the first floor must be reserved online at the link above.
- Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours.
- The reservation will be cancelled if the room is not occupied after 15 minutes.
- Unattended personal property may not be used to "hold" a room by any individual or group. Unattended belongings will be moved to lost and found.
- Study room users should behave in a manner consistent with the policies set forth in the Detroit Mercy Student Handbook. Appropriate use of the group study rooms is on the honor system.
- Please clean up after yourselves, limit noise, and do not obstruct windows or doors.