Here are links to some of the Social Work focused journals available electronically through the Library's collection. To access these journals, enter your Detroit Mercy user name and password when prompted.
The University of Detroit Mercy Library provides access to articles from newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, eBooks, and other resources through through subscriptions to more than 236 electronic databases. These resources are accessible to our students, faculty, and staff both on and off campus. Visitors to our Library may access many of these resources. Scroll through this page to find databases that may be helpful in Social Work research.
To browse or search for a particular journal, use the Library's E-Journal Search. Search by title, ISSN, or keyword.
Alternatively, try searching the Catalog. After you have entered your search term and retrieved the results, be sure to limit to journals by checking the "journals" box under on the right side of the results page under "Material Type."
Note: If you are off campus and not already logged into the University of Detroit Mercy system, you may be prompted to log in to access the database, journal, or article. If you have any questions, please contact a librarian.