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University of Detroit Mercy
Slave Insurrections and Conspiracies
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Slavery: Slave Insurrections and Conspiracies
Encyclopedias and Books
Primary Sources
Underground Railroad
Slave Insurrections and Conspiracies
Primary Sources
Kennedy, Lionel & Thomas Parker. An Official Report of the Trials of Sundry Negros, charged with the attempt to raise insurrection. 1822
Report on the Denmark Vesey conspiracy.
Turner, Nat. The Confessions of Nat Turner. the Leader of the Late Insurrection in Southampton, Virginia. 2014 (ebook)
Horsmanden, Daniel., A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy formed by Some White People, in Conjuction with Negro and Other Slaves... 1744.
Details of a conspiracy in New York City in 1741 as told by the presiding judge.
Slave Insurrections: selected documents. 1970
Holland, Edwin C.A refutation of the calumnies circulated against the Southern & Western States : respecting the institution and existence of slavery among them. To which is added, a minute and particular account of the actual state and condition of their
Secondary Sources
Aptheker, Herbert. American Negro Slave Revolts. 1969
Egerton, Douglas. Gabriel's Rebellion: the Virginia slave conspiracies of 1800 and 1802. 1993
Davis, David, The Slave Power Conspiracy and the Paranoid Style.
Genovese, Eugene. From Rebellion to Revolution: Afro-American slave revolts in the making of the modern world. 1992.
Greenberg, Kenneth. Nat Turner: a slave rebellion in history and memory. 2004
Lepore, Jill. New York Burning: liberty, slavery. and conspiracy in eighteenth-century Manhattan. 2005. .
Reynolds, Donald. E. Texas Terror: the slave insurrection panic of 1860 and secession of the lower South. 2007
Starobin, Robert. Denmark Vesey: the slave conspiracy of 1822,
Winthrop, Jordon. Tumult and Silence at Second Creek: an inquiry into a Civil War slave conspiracy. 1996 (ebook)
Haitian Revolution: Toussaint Louverture
Nat Turner: a troublesome property.