United States Courts An official US government site info here includes discussion of federal courts, jurisdiction, cases, etc.
Publications of the courts:
Includes a litigation manual, guides for journalists, IT plans for the federal judiciary
Federal District Courts and Appelate Courts
Organization of the federal court system with info on district courts and federal applleate courts records, info on court rules and judges.
Findlaw - cases although this is a commercial site that has advertising, it includes a lot of freely able info on state and federal case law, including a user-friendly search function
Judicial branch of Michigan state government
An interactive graphic of Supreme Court history and important cases beginning with the establishment of the Court in September 1789
Streetlaw on the Supreme Court
Streetlaw is an educational site covering "...law, democracy and human rights."
One of the best free online sources of Court info. So good in fact that many users believe it to be the official Supreme Court webpage and express their feelings to justices when opinions are handed down. Included is a glossary of legal terms, the Court docket, pleadings filed on cases to be heard, background in plain English, oral argument when available and the eventual decision when released.
U.S. Supreme Court Includes opinions of the Court, audio of oral argument from 2010 to the present and transcripts prior to 2010. Info on upcomming cases is also available. Historical info on the justices of the Court can also be found here.
C-Span Landmark Cases was a series broadcast in fall 2015 about 12 US Supreme Court cases