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Information about current and past McNichols Campus Library exhibits.

Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN)

Title: Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN)

Description: Timed to coincide with the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, this exhibit highlights the mission and work of the Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN), a University of Detroit Mercy program that offers students the opportunity to take on leadership roles in promoting equity and sustainability while improving the health of the people and environment of our local community. For more information or to contribute to their efforts, visit TENN's website.

Curation and Design: TENN Program Manager Grace Gamble and TENN student volunteers

Dates: Nov. 22, 2021 - December 2021

The Exhibit

TENN library exhibit includes statistics, waste

Titan Equity Nourish Network

Statistics illustrate issues related to food waste, Americans experiencing hunger, access to full-line grocery stores, and the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions from food waste. 

Titan Equity Nourish Network

Photos and information highlight the activities and impact of TENN, including the work of its four student-driven committees, which focus on healthy neighborhoods, sustainability, food recovery, and urban agriculture.