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University of Detroit: a history: Timeline 1900-1909

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Timeline 1900-1909


October 12: The first athletic fee, five cents per month, was imposed by unanimous vote at a student mass-meeting.

November 29: First football game out of the state.  As the college rules prescribed that the team must not travel so far that it could not return the same day, the team went to Chicago without permission and defeated St Ignatius College 11-0.



January 17: First Annual Alumni Reception and Ball, Harmonie Hall.  125 couples and 11 stags.  The event lost money.

September 28: William Girardin, an alumnus of D.C. takes over football coaching. Up to this time the teams had been coached by Jesuits.



June 22: Thanksgiving service in SS Peter and Paul Church inaugurating the silver jubilee celebration of the college.

August 26: Louis B. Kellinger, S.J installed as seventh president.



September 24: Edward Ryan agrees to coach the football team for $100 a year.



January 3: Richard D. Slevin, S.J. installed as president.

January 10: First basketball game. Detroit College 18, Windsor Collegiates 7.  A student, Ben Pipp, organized and coached the first team.  As the college had no basketball floor yet, Riverside Hall was rented for $10 a week.

January 25: Hockey started.

February 26: First professional basketball coach, Jerry Utley, hired for $50 per season. Utley had coached at Michigan for four years.





January 13: Kappa Delta, the first Greek letter organization at the college, staged the first student dance in the history of the college.  As both fraternities and student dances were still under the ban of the faculty, the affair was promoted surreptitiously. It was held at  Strassburg’s Hall and about 150 couples attended. Kappa Delta enjoyed only a brief existence.



January 20: The newly completed gymnasium at the rear of the high school building at 651 E. Jefferson was christened with a basketball game. Before this the students had only a small playroom equipped with battered gymnastic apparatus.


Detroit Football Team 1906