Phi Alpha, Alpha Delta Chapter, a Jewish social fraternity is established at the university.
Hello Stranger is the last of the Union operas even though it is a financial success.
Summer: The south end of the stadium will be improved by the addition of a new athletic clubhouse, for the housing of the teams and coaches offices. The building will be ready for the fall season.
Phi Gamma Nu, Zeta Chapter, a commerce sorority, established.
First Slide Rule Dinner.
Fall: A library annex is opened in the Chemistry Bldg to relieve the overflow of books in the main library. It contains early writings in Greek and Latin, and also rare books and about 1500 incunabula.
July 31: The University of Detroit High School moves to its present location.
The Department of Social Service Work is started.
April 26: Fr. McNichols dies.
April 26: The Detroit City Council votes unanimously to rename Six Mile Road McNichols Ave.
June 9: Fr. Albert H. Poetker S.J. installed as president of the university.
July 12: The President and Board of Trustees authorize the formation of the dental school.
September 21: Dental classes start in Dinan Hall.
September: The Union House on Fairfield is closed. Union headquarters moves to the Sutcliffe Building, 16839-41 Livernois; this is between Grove and McNichols, directly opposite the Commerce Bldg.
February 7: Varsity News Editorial: "Naming the New Campus McNichols" would be a great tribute to the man who built it.
May 18: Fr. Couglin speaks at the annual May Day held in the stadium. The topic is "Religion as the Basis of Patriotism."
A basement room at the southeast corner of the Chemistry Bldg is converted to a theater seating about sixty. Before this the university had no theater of its own.
1936: The University is under bankruptcy. The reorganization plan is effective November 1.
The Union moves to the Chemistry Building basement.
February 10: Delta Pi Kappa's J-Prom turtle race is held in the Alumni Lounge. The winner is Joe Palooka, "an insignificant looking amphibian."
April 6: John A Russell, founder and dean of the College of Commerce and Finance Evening Division, and member of the first graduating class of Detroit College, dies.
March 23: Second Annual Turtle Trudge sponsored by Delta Phi Kappa. Twelve "thoroughbreds" are entered in the event to take place at 2pm in the Women's League lounge in the basement of the Commerce bldg. Last year's winner, Joe Palooka is one of the contenders.
December 9: Olga, an Ostrich late of the Belle Isle Zoo is obtained by the Biology dept. Her skeleton is prepared by students under the supervision of professors.
February 23: Gun Club range is established in the basement of the Science Building under the electricity lab.
April 1: Third Annual Turtle Derby is held in the biology lecture arena (Science 210) at 2pm. The winner is a three-legged turtle named Gaelohma.
October 26: National recognition is received by the U of D Chemical Society when it is accepted as a student chapter of the ACS.
March 31: Fourth Annual Turtle Trudge. 'Skippy' is the winner.
July 9: The Reverend Charles H. Cloud S.J. becomes president.