September 10: A holiday was declared to celebrate the fact that enrollment had reached 300.
January 14: A new charter from Lansing arrived, changing Detroit College to University of Detroit.
October 1: By this date nine students had registered for the new engineering course. J.R. McColl was the first dean.
October 1: By this date 21 had registered for the new law course. Judge George S. Hosmer was the first dean. Law was the first co-educational department of the university. The U of D Law Review begins publication.
November 1: The first appearance of a U of D student band. The players, engineering students dressed as clowns, played at a football game in which U of M defeated U of D 39-3.
April 14: First Junior Hop held at Knights of Columbus Hall. 204 couples attended. Grand March led by Professor Strassburg.
The first women are admitted to the law school.
March 8: Steam shovels begin excavating for the engineering building (Dinan Hall) at 630 E. Jefferson. The building cost about $160,000 to build and equip.
July 18: Gift from the Dinan Brothers to the Engineering Fund.
September 10: The Engineering Building is completed.
The first fraternities to be recognized by the faculty: Delta Theta Phi and the Magi are founded.
Delta Theta Phi (Legal) has a house at 138 Pallister Ave. Magi is a social fraternity unique to U of D.
September: Arts and Sciences, Law and Engineering move into the new engineering building.
Women are admitted to the C & F School.
October 2: The University formally opens the Evening School of Commerce and Finance. John A Russell is the first dean.
October 1: St Catherine’s student chapel begun. To make room for it, the old Solality Chapel, erected in 1855 is demolished.
January 30: The Varsity News begins as a bi-monthly. Paul V, Kennedy, first editor. The literary magazine “The Tamarack” had suspended publication the year before.
Detroit Union organized. Irving Soleau, first president.
The engineering fraternity, Tuyere, begins with nine members.
Alpha chapter, Sigma Kappa Phi, organized under the name “Commerce and Finance Club” with 24 charter members.
February 11: The entire student body is vaccinated for smallpox, due to the fact the editor in chief of the Varsity News has been quarantined since February 7th at home with the disease.
September: The Student Army Training Course is started.
October 16: One of the Varsity News founders Louis Lonyo, drops dead of heart trouble while being examined for the draft.
December 16: The Students Army Training Course is disbanded.
Tuyere, local, social, engineering fraternity founded. House was located at 17367 Monica Ave.
May: Delta Alpha Phi begins at U of D.
June: It was announced at commencement that Greek would no longer be a compulsory subject.
September: Varsity News changed to a weekly under editor Roy C. Hayes.
First regular U of D band organized with Frank Deschaine as director.
Thirty men (mostly non-students) appear in blue and black uniforms at football games.
December 15: Mu chapter, Gamma Eta Gamma (Law), founded.
December: First U of D sorority established, Eta Zeta Sigma, in the C & F School.