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Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering: Find Engineering Articles

Choosing a Database


  • Science Direct: Contains original research articles in science, technology, engineering and medicine, as well as a selection of  journals in the social sciences, humanities and business.  Articles tend to be very technical. Full text starts in 1995.
  • Engineering VillageThe most comprehensive index of engineering research available, going back over 120 years.  (Most citations do not include full text articles, go here to learn how to find out if an article's full text is available through the UDM Libraries.)
  • IEEE: Electrical engineering journals, magazines, conferences, and standards, includes information on robotics and sensors.
  • Wiley Online Library: an interdisciplinary database including many full text engineering and technology articles
  • Full text is available for the following six ASCE journals:
    • Journal of Architectural Engineering (1995-present)
    • Journal of Environmental Engineering (1983-present)
    • Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (1983-present)
    • Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (1983-present)
    • Journal of Infrastructure Systems  (1995-present)
    • Journal of  Materials in Civil Engineering (1989-present)
  • Scopus: contains citations and abstracts for more than 20,000 peer-reviewed journals, including articles in press, as well as books and trade publications.  Citations go back to 1970.  Also includes tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
  • SAGE Journals: includes full text articles from 15 journals, primarily dealing with materials
  • Scifinder:(on-campus access only, you must create your own free account) includes physical and chemical properties of substances, reactions, and references to chemical literature.  Also includes a patent search.

Technical Reports

trail logo

The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) selects, digitizes, and deposits technical reports into trusted repositories: the HathiTrust and the University of North Texas (UNT) Digital Library. 

Free Government and International Databases

Citing Articles.

Remember to give credit to the original source when you use someone else's work or idea, whether you use a direct quote or paraphrase.  Most style guides require some form of citation in the text of your paper as well as at the end in a bibliography or list of references.

Owl logoPurdue Online Writing Center (OWL): The Purdue OWL offers detailed instructions and examples of how to write and cite in MLA or APA format.


citation machine logoCitation Machine: A free, quick, and easy to use citation generator that work for APA, Chicago, and MLA styles.


ProQuest RefWorks logoRefWorks: Use RefWorks to keep track of the articles you find as you do your library research, and use it again as you write to format your entire paper, inserting quotations and creating a list of references at the end.