Gaudium et Spes is one of the four constitutions of the Second Vatican Council of 1965. It clarifies and reorients the Church's mission as it relates to non-Catholics and the world at large.
Octogesima Adveniens is an Apostolic Letter written by Pope Paul VI. Dated May 14,1971, it addresses the role of individuals and churches to respond to social injustices and redefine social structures.
Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace, 1988
For more information about the Council, click here.
The World Conference was held in Durban, South Africa in 2001 and convened by the United Nations, Click here for the full report.
Evangelii Gaudium is an exhortation issued in 2013 by Pope Francis. Among the many themes contained in this document, is the call for Christians to establish and maintain a socially just society.