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New eBooks for 2024-25

MEAGN Program eBooks by course

Analytic Methods for Clinical Practice

Pharmacology for the Advanced Generalist Nurse

textbooks not available electronically

Lifespan Nursing Care for the Generalist Nurse I: Fundamental & Foundational Care of Adults

not available electronically

Lifespan Nursing Care for the Generalist Nurse II:  Acute and Chronic Care of Adults

textbooks not available electronically

Lifespan Nursing Care for the Generalist Nurse III: Community Health

textbooks not available electronically

Lifespan Nursing Care for the Generalist Nurse IV: Pediatric Families

textbook not available electronically

Lifespan Nursing Care for the Generalist Nurse IV: Women & Families

textbook not available electronically


Reference eBooks

Point of Care Evidence Based Practice Information

Other Resources of Interest

Health Sciences eBook Collections

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