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MSON Publications

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MSON publications

Last 5 years:

Barnes, A., & Ko, A. (2024). Integration of mindfulness educational innovation in nursing programs. Journal of Holistic Nursing, online first.

Bonham, E., & Kwasky, A. (2021). Caring for the mental health of youth and families: what is the role of the psychiatric mental health advanced practice nurse?. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 35(5), 246-252.

Conrad, D., Burson, R., Moran, K., Kesten, K., Corrigan, C., Hussey, P., & Pohl, E. (2020). The practice doctorate approach to assessing advanced nursing practice in Ireland. International Nursing Review, 67(4):535-542.

Courtney, R., Wodwaski, N., & Wolgamott, S. (2019). Hepatitis C and baby boomers. Home Healthcare Now, 37(6), 363-364.

Dosch, M. P. (2021). Treating increased inspired carbon dioxide. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 133(2), e23–e24.

Frost, K., Lyon, N., Ko, A., Barry, C., & Martin, M. (2024). Physician Assistant students as agents of change through service-learning opportunities. Jesuit Higher Education, 13(2), Article 7.

Gifford, S., & Kwasky, A. (2024). Using intentional, student-centered reflection to address mental health and self-care in prelicensure nursing students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 45(5), 333-334.

Groh, C. J. (2020). Medical cannabis and psychiatric disorders: Implications for psychiatric nurses. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 1078390320945791. Advance online publication.

Groh, C. (2022). The differences between THC and CBD. Home Healthcare Now, 40(2), 116–117.

Groh, C. J., & Cunmulaj, J. (2020). Women, addiction, and grief: A quality improvement initiative. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.

Groh, C. J., & Saunders, M. M. (2020). The transition from spousal caregiver to widowhood: Quantitative findings of a mixed-methods study. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 1078390320917751.

Harris, K. D. (2019). Herpes simplex virus keratitis. Home Healthcare Now, 37(5), 281-284.

Iseler, J., Long, T., Barach, M., McClelland, M. L., & Saunders, M. M. (2023). Credentialed and Privileged Clinical Nurse Specialists. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 37(5), 218-222.

Jacek, G. A. (2021). Atrial Fibrillation: An Update for Home Healthcare Clinicians. Home Healthcare Now, 39(1), 6-12.

Kesten, K., Moran, K., Beebe, S. L., Conrad, D., Burson, R., Corrigan, C., Manderscheid, A., & Pohl, E. (2022). Practice scholarship satisfaction and impact as perceived by DNP-prepared nurses. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 34(5):722-730.

Kesten, K. S., Moran, K., Beebe, S. L., Conrad, D., Burson, R., Manderscheid, A., Pohl, E., & Corrigan, C. (2022). Impact of practice scholarship as perceived by nurses holding a DNP degree. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(2), 99–105.

Ko, A., Burson, R., Gagleard, R., & Stocker Schneider, J. (2021). Brilliant at the basics: An academic practice partnership to build nursing expertise. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 52(3): 136-141.

Ko, A., Burson, R., & Mianecki, T.  (2019). Closing administrative knowledge gaps around advanced nursing roles. Nursing Management. 50(3), 26-36.

Ko, A., Saunders, M., Saadat N.,Royal, E. L., Dean, J. L., & Acevedo, R. (2021). Students’ perceptions of online learning to inform Jesuit education. Jesuit Higher Education,10(2), article 9.

Ko, A., & Turner, J. A. (2024). Unique needs of family caregiver immigrants. In M. M. Saunders (Ed.), 10 interventions for family caregivers (1st ed., pp. 63-74). Springer.

Kowalski, S., & Gifford, S. (2024). In-home management of diabetes and obesity. Home Healthcare Now, 42(1), 6-12.

Kowalski, S. L., Webber, E., Stocker-Schneider, J., & Long, T. (2024). Utilization of art in nursing education to enhance student spiritual growth and holistic nursing practice. Journal of Holistic Nursing, [epub ahead of print] 08980101241237109.

Lambert, S. L., Kwasky, A. N., Kowalski, S. L., McConnell, S., & Ciotta, B. J. (2021). Clinical compass: Guiding the relationship between clinical and didactic learning. The Journal of Nursing Education, 60(5), 286–288.

Lee, H., Veliz, P. T., Ray, E. T., Chiboola, N. M., Phiri, T. K., Musonda, G., & Lori, J. R. (2020). Financial preparedness for birth among rural Zambian women: Do antenatal care contacts make a difference?. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 1-5.

Lee, J., Evans-Polce, R. J., Ahlquist, J., & Parker, M. A. (2023). Polysubstance use by sexual identity among US adults, 2021. Preventive Medicine, 177, 107729. Advance online publication.

McClelland, M. (2024). The move from home to alternative living. In M. M. Saunders (Ed.), 10 interventions for family caregivers (1st ed., pp. 175-185). Springer.

McClelland, M. (2024). Promoting policy for more resources for family caregivers. In M. M. Saunders (Ed.), 10 interventions for family caregivers (1st ed., pp. 261-275). Springer.

McClelland M, Sesoko C, MacDonald DA. (2020). A mixed methods pilot study on the short-term physiological effects of vaping and attitudes regarding its use and health effects in samples of young adults. Journal of Addiction Nursing, 31(2), 110‐118.

McClelland, M. L., Sesoko, C. S., MacDonald, D. A., Davis, L. M., & McClelland, S. C. (2021). The immediate physiological effects of e-cigarette use and exposure to secondhand e-cigarette vapor. Respiratory Care, Advance online publication.

Mihelich, K. (2024). Addressing community inequities through experiential learning in a DNP population health course. Nurse Educator, 49(5), e303-4.

Mihelich, K., & Burson, R. (2023). Addressing the elephant in the room: Differentiating the AACN Essentials levels of competency within advanced practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 48, 181-185.

Moran, K., Burson, R., Mihelich, K., & Rotondo, L. (2023). The phenomenon of interest: Leading to problem identification. In K. J. Moran, R. Burson, & D. Conrad (Eds.), The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for success (pp. 177-216). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Moran, K., & Mihelich, K. (2023). Validating the problem and conceptualizing the project plan. In K. J. Moran, R. Burson, & D. Conrad (Eds.), The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for success (pp. 219-284). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Moran, K. J., & Mihelich, K. (2023). The proposal. In K. J. Moran, R. Burson, & D. Conrad, The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for success (pp. 368-418). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Murphy, M., Serowoky, M. L., & Grant, S. M. (2021). Nurse-led model of care that helps a community heal: Curbside immunizations with assistance in social determinants. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 219–225.

O'Donnell, K., Healy, A., Burke, T., Staines, A., McGettrick, G., Kwasky, A., O'Halloran, P., & Corrigan, C. (2022). Traumatic brain injury epidemiology and rehabilitation in Ireland: A protocol paper. HRB Open Research, 4, 66.

Olla, P., Elliott, L., Abumeeiz, M., Mihelich, K., & Olson, J. (2024). Promptology: Enhancing human–AI interaction in large language models. Information, 15(10), 634.

Pacini, C.M. (2021). Engaging staff in learning. In J.S. Fulton, K.A. Goudreau, & K.L. Swartzell (Eds.), Foundations of clinical nurse specialist practice (pp. 131-154). New York: Springer.

Ragheb, J., Norcott, A., Benn, L., Shah, N., McKinney, A., Min, L., & Vlisides, P. E. (2023). Barriers to delirium screening and management during hospital admission: A qualitative analysis of inpatient nursing perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 712.

Razmus I. (2020). Commentary: medical devices and pressure injuries in the very young: Evidence to support offloading pressure from medical devices, skin assessment, and reducing moisture to lower nasal pressure injury rates. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, 47(2), 117.

Razmus, I. S., & Keep, S. M. (2021). Neonatal intensive care nursing pressure injury prevention practices: A descriptive survey. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 48(5), 394-402.

Rouen, P., & Mihelich, K. (2023). Aligning design, method, and evaluation with the clinical question. In K. J. Moran, R. Burson, & D. Conrad, The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for success (pp. 287-366). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Ruel, J. (2019). May-Thurner syndrome: An often-missed cause of chronic pelvic pain. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(7), 388-390.

Ruel J. (2021). Home health care nursing impacts on Emergency Department utilization. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 43(4), 324–330.

Saunders, M. M. (2021). Informing and supporting the new clinical nurse specialist prescriber. AACN, 32(4), 404–412.

Saunders, M. M. (2022). The implications of the new essentials on the CNS profession - Let's respond!. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 36(3), 129-130.

Saunders M. M. (2022). Strategies to growing your Clinical Nurse Specialist academic program: Wisdom from the field. Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS, 36(6), 344–345.

Saunders M. M. (2023). Leading the next generation of Clinical Nurse Specialists: NACNS response to the 2022 CNS Census Survey. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 53(11), 565–566.

Saunders, M. M. (2024). 10 interventions for family caregivers. Springer.

Saunders, M. M., & Groh, C. J. (2019). Spousal dementia caregiving to widowhood: Perceptions of older urban and rural widows. Western Journal of Nursing Research, [epub ahead of print].

Saunders, M. M., & Heiden, G. (2023). The Clinical Nurse Specialist. The American Journal of Nursing, 123(9), 19.

Saunders, M. M. (2024). 10 interventions for family caregivers. Springer.

Saunders M. M. (2024). A tool to teach and assess Clinical Nurse Specialist student prescribing competency: A pilot study. Clinical Nurse Specialist; CNS, 38(4), 182–188.

Saunders, M. M., & Turner, J. A. (2024). Family caregiver veteran care. In M. M. Saunders (Ed.), 10 interventions for family caregivers (1st ed., pp. 197-211). Springer.

Taverna, G., Thiel, L. M., Miller, D. L., Tidu, L., Sardella, P., Camp, P., Zanoni, M. L., Vota, P., Mazzieri, C., Toia, G., Fasulo, V., Avolio, P., Benetti, A., Buffi, N., Lughezzani, G., Lazzeri, M., Casale, P., Guazzoni, G., Grizzi, F., & Stork, B. (2021). Hope for ostomates: A carbon and zeolite impregnated polyester fabric inhibits urine odor in cancer patients: A randomized experimental study. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention,22(9), 2917–2921.

Thiel, L. M., Ko, A., & Turner, J. A. (2019). Home healthcare nurses' attitudes, confidence, and engagement in evidence-based practice. Home Healthcare Now, 37(2),79-87.

Thiel, L. M., Ko, A., & Turner, J. A. (2022, July).  Evidence-based practice: comparison and continuing education needs of internationally
educated hospital-based nurses (IENs) and Home Healthcare Nurses (HHNs) in the United States. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research, 12(2), 23-31. 2022.12.02.1204

Thiel, L. M., Razmus, I., Nauta, B., Keep, S., Thomas, R., & Moran, K. (2021). Student nurses' perceptions of Mercy: A qualitative study. Journal of Christian Nursing, 38(1), 32–37.

Teitel, A., & Bozimowski, G. (2020). A Review of the Pharmacology and Anesthetic Implications of Cannabis. AANA journal88(3), 237–244.

Vlisides, P. E., Li, D., Maywood, M., Zierau, M., Lapointe, A. P., Brooks, J., McKinney, A. M., Leis, A. M., Mentz, G., & Mashour, G. A. (2023). Electroencephalographic biomarkers, cerebral oximetry, and postoperative cognitive function in adult noncardiac surgical patients: A prospective cohort study. Anesthesiology, 139(5), 568–579.

Webber, E., & Benedict, J. (2019). Postpartum depression: A multi-disciplinary approach to screening, management and breastfeeding support. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 33(3), 284-289.

Recipients of the 2020 Dare to Share Writing Award: Webber, E., Vaughn-Deneen, T., & Anthony, M. (2020, January 7/8). Three-generation academic mentoring teams: A new approach to faculty mentoring in nursing. Nurse Educator, 45(4), 2013-2013.

Webber, E., Wodwaski, N., & Busch, D. (2022). Breastfeeding and human lactation curriculum survey of Midwifery programs in the United States. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, Advance online publication.

Webber, E., & Wodwaski, N. (2023). Finding your mentor in the academic jungle. In Mentoring in Nursing through Narrative Stories Across the World (pp. 425-430). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Weisfeld, C. C., Turner, J. A., Dunleavy, K., Ko, A., Bowen, J. I., Roelk, B., Eissa, R., Benfield, E., & Robertson, K. (2021, June 1). Dealing with anxious patients: A systematic review of the literature on non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing medical or dental procedures. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 10.1089/acm.2020.0504. Advance online publication.

Weisfeld, C. C., Turner, J. A., Bowen, J. I., Eissa, R., Roelk, B., Ko, A., Dunleavy, K., Robertson, K., & Benfield, E. (2021, June 1). Dealing with anxious patients: An integrative review of the literature on nonpharmaceutical interventions to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing medical or dental procedures. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 10.1089/acm.2020.0505. Advance online publication.

Wodwaski, N. (2023). Progressive supranuclear palsy: Challenges and considerations for care transitions. Critical Care Nursing Clinics, 35 (4).

Wodwaski, N. (2024). When the family caregivers knows best. In M. M. Saunders (Ed.), 10 interventions for family caregivers (1st ed., pp. 21-30). Springer.

Wodwaski, N., & Courtney, R. (2020). Emotional Intelligence: An unspoken competency in home care. Home Healthcare Now, 38(5), 286.

Wodwaski, N., & Munyan, K. (2020). Self-care promotion of the intact (non-circumcised) patient: A review of available recommendations. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 25(4), e12297.
Wodwaski, N., & Munyan, K. (2021). As nurses, are we meeting the unique needs of the intact client?. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. e12356. Advance online publication.
Wodwaski, N., & Sinutko, J. (2020). Medication mathematics competency and confidence in nursing students. Michigan Academician, 47(1), 48-59.

Wodwaski, N., & Webber, E. (2023). Assessment and management of COPD. Home Healthcare Now, 41(1), 6–13.

Wodwaski, N., & Webber, E. (2023). Respiratory assessment. Home Healthcare Now, 41(4), 182–189.

Wyatt, T., McClelland, M. L., & Spangaro, J. (2019). Readiness of newly licensed associated degree registered nurses to screen for domestic violence. Nurse Education in Practice, 35, 75-82.