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Mechanical Engineering: Find a SPECIFIC article

Finding a Specific Article Online

  • Leave the main search box blank and click on the red search button.arrow pointing to a red search icon next to a blank search box
  • At the top of the next page, above the search box, click on the tab that says "Find Item by Citation". search form with the article radio button selected, and citation information entered for the article title, journal title, year, volume and issue
  • Fill out the form with as much information as possible and click on the Submit button.   For example, if you were looking for the following article:
  • Anthony, Kathryn E., and Timothy L. Sellnow. "Information acquisition, perception, preference, and convergence by Gulf Coast residents in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina crisis." Argumentation and Advocacy 48.2 (2011): 81+.                                                      
  • The results page will list databases that should include the article.  Click on any database link.catalog record with list of database links, each listing the date for which full text articles are available
  • You should see a link* where you can read or download the article. article citation with partial abstract and icons to download a p d f or to save the file
  • *In some cases, you may be directed to the webpage of the journal that contains the article you want.  If so, look for a search box where you can search for your article, or for an issues list where you can navigate to the correct issue. catalog record for a jouirnal with arrows pointing to the dates available, which are linked, and  a search box that says "search within publication"

Iinterlibrary loan

Interlibrary loan


Need an article or book hat's not available through the Detroit Mercy databases?  We can usually get it for you free from another library.  FIll out the form here:

(Note that it may take from 7-10 days to arrive, sometimes longer, depending on which library sends it to us.)