The MFA Core Curriculum Committee (CCC) is responsible for the ongoing oversight and assessment of UDM's Core Curriculum, as established in the Final Proposal of the Shared Governance Task Force and the MFA Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the CCC is responsible for tracking developments in core curricula in other educational institutions, and considerations and proposing of any amendments to the core curriculum as per the Shared Governance Final Modification Proposal.
The responsibilities of the CCC include:
1. Monitoring the goals and outcomes for learning in the core courses;
2. Assessing the success of core courses in fulfilling the identified outcomes;
3. Making recommendations to the MFA and the Provost based on findings.
The number and composition of faculty members on this committee was determined by the MFA in October of 2012. Representation is as follows:
Invited Participant
Marty Leever, CHASS, term expires 8/26*
Doug MacDonald, CHASS, term expires 8/26
Updated January, 2025
*Ineligible for a third term.
2024-2025 Core Curriculum Committee Charges
All core curriculum course proposals must include the following:
All proposal materials must be submitted to