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Shared Governance at Detroit Mercy: Faculty Development Team

Faculty Development Team

The Faculty Development Team is responsible for coordinating a broad range of interdisciplinary discussions among faculty across the schools/colleges, the orientation and mentoring of new faculty including adjunct faculty, and the junior/senior mentoring program.

Faculty Development Team Structure

This team reports to the Provost/VPAA and through that office to other bodies as appropriate. The membership of the nine-member team:

  • one representative of the Corktown campus
  • one representative of the Riverfront campus
  • one faculty member selected by the MFA from among its members
  • four elected representatives of the McNichols campus faculty one of whom is to be an adjunct faculty
  • two administrative representatives

Faculty Development Team Minutes

Faculty Development Team Operational Policies and Procedures

Faculty Development Team Roster

Corktown Campus
Naama Sleiman (term expires 8/25)*

Riverfront Campus
Cara Cunningham Warren (term expires 8/26)* - Co-Chair

MFA Representative
Marwa Abdel Latif (term expires 8/25)

McNichols Faculty
OPEN Adjunct (term expires 8/26)
Sara Gifford, CHP (term expires 8/26) - Co-Chair
Tahani Dari, CHASS (term expires 8/25)
Arthur Ko, CHP (term expires 8/25)

Anne-Marie Kosi-Kupe (term expires 8/26)*

Administrative Representatives
Erin Bell, Writing Center (term expires 8/25)*
Mary Elizabeth Valesano (CHASS) (term expires 8/25)

Invited Participants
Fr. Greg Banazak, (CHASS) (term expires 8/26)* - Secretary


*Ineligible for a third term.

Committee and Team Roles and Responsibilities

Faculty Development Team Charges

2024-2025 Faculty Development Team Charges

  • Utilize the step-by-step plan in the Faculty Mentorship Report, stemming from the Faculty mentorship Survey administered in fall of 2023, as well as implement the plans outlined in the report.
  • Continue to disseminate and discuss results of the Faculty Mentorship Survey (e.g. Winter Colleague Development Day session).
  • Explore a Faculty Development Team-led scholarly writing project about mentorship.
  • Facilitate Peer Mentoring and Networking Opportunities: Organize events, forums, inter-disciplinary and inter-college meetings and discussion where faculty members can connect with peers, share best practices, and engage in collaborative learning and mentoring.  Consider piloting in 2024-2025.
  • Evaluate Existing College/School/Campus-wide Faculty Development Programs: Assess the effectiveness of current faculty development programs and initiatives and make recommendations for enhancements based on feedback and outcomes.
  • Foster External Partnerships for Faculty Development: Seek partnerships with external organizations or institutions to bring additional resources, expertise, and opportunities to faculty development programs.