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Shared Governance at Detroit Mercy: University Teams

University Teams

University-wide teams provide meaningful input and advice into administrative decisions as they impact university-wide concern. To take advantage of the expertise available, team membership is drawn from the three campuses and may include staff, administrator. and faculty representatives.

2018-2019 Guidelines for Teams

Guidelines for Teams

  • No later than October 15 of each academic year the returning team chair, or if the team chair is not returning as a member, then the MFA Representative, will convene the first meeting of the academic year for all team members. At the first meeting the returning chair or MFA Representative will provide critical information regarding shared governance, review the policies and procedures of the team, the duties of team members, status of items pending or incomplete from the previous academic year, review the new charges, discuss expected participation of representatives, etc.
  • Once each semester, all team representatives in each college/school or administrative unit will meet with their respective supervisor, administrative leadership, and department chairs/division heads as appropriate in order to provide them with shared governance team information, actions, recommendations, etc.
  • The team designee sends approved minutes of team meetings, recommendation(s) forwarded to the university administrator to which the team reports, and mid-year and annual reports on team activities to for posting.
  • The Team is always encouraged to identify a charge that they are interested in addressing during the academic year. This is not a requirement, but always welcome. The team must forward the charges or charges to the Provost/VPAA to determine that a similar task is not being considered by another entity within the university. Once the charge is approved by the Provost/VPAA it should be forwarded to
  • The team and the Provost/VPAA have the right to identify Invited Participant(s). Individuals are invited because of their expertise, potential contributions, or history with the team. Invited Participant does not have voting rights. The term of service for an Invited Participant is not to exceed two years and is not eligible for reappointment in this category. A team may not exceed three Invited Participants in any academic year.
  • If a team is not functioning appropriately (e.g., not meeting as needed, failing to address assigned charges, etc.) or a member consistently does not attend meetings, any team member may bring this to the attention of the administrator to which it reports. It is the responsibility of the Provost/VPAA or other administrator to whom the team reports to rectify the situation. If a team feels that the problem lies with the administrator to whom it reports, the team should request intervention by the Task Force.
  • In certain instances, a team may be responsible for actual implementation of a recommendation or policy subsequent to its development.

Note: The first three bullets in this document are from the Shared Governance Structure Modification 2017 Final Proposal from the Shared Governance Task Force.


REV: 9.28.18