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Shared Governance at Detroit Mercy: McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Committee

McNichols Campus Academic Program Review

The McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Committee, composed of elected faculty, reviews undergraduate and graduate programs according to the Program Review Schedule. Established programs are reviewed based on specific criteria. In addition, the Committee reviews new program proposals and programs identified by the Provost/VPAA that face special challenges and require an out-of-cycle review.

McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Committee Structure

Academic programs will be reviewed by the MFA Academic Program Review Committee which includes the following membership:

  • one faculty member elected by each of the five colleges/schools with undergraduate programs
  • one faculty member elected by each of the five colleges/schools with graduate programs
  • one librarian from the Libraries that report to the Dean of University Libraries
  • one faculty member from an undergraduate program selected by the MFA from among its members
  • one faculty member from a graduate program selected by the MFA from among its members.

Note: All colleges/schools have both undergraduate and graduate programs. Law and Dental have separate review procedures.

McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Committee Minutes

McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Roster

School of Architecture and Community Development
Ceara O'Leary (term expires 8/26)
Wladik Fuchs (term expires 8/25)

College of Business Administration
Agiodun Ige (term expires 8/26)*
OPEN (term expires 8/25)

College of Engineering and Science
Michael Santora (term expires 8/26)*
Kate Lanigan (term expires 8/25)

College of Health Professions
Louis Davis (term expires 8/26)* - Co-Chair
Taylor Long (term expires 8/25)

College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences
OPEN (term expires 8/26)
Tahani Dari (term expires 8/25) - Co-Chair

Rebecca Tull (term expires 8/25) - Secretary

MFA Representatives
Marlene Shaw-Gallagher (term expires 8/25)
OPEN (term expires 8/25)

*Ineligible to serve a third term.

Committee and Team Roles and Responsibilities

McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Committee Charges

2024-2025 McNichols Campus Academic Program Review Committee Charges

  • After the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration presents the proposed Suspending Program Enrollment Policy (high priority), discuss, review, and convey to the MFA, the committee’s level of support.
  • Develop a review template for online programs.
  • Complete reviews in accordance with the posted schedule.
  • Continue to expedite the review process without compromising quality.
  • Continue to build documentation of policy, processes, and procedures for committee continuity.
  • Review current Academic Program Review Self-Study Template and revise as needed to address the new HLC criteria (1.A, 2.B, 3, 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D, 3.E, 3.F.)
    • Criterion 1.A. Mission Alignment
    • Criterion 2.B Transparency
    • Criterion 3. Teaching and Learning for Student Success
    • Criterion 3.A. Educational Programs
    • Criterion 3.B. Exercise of Intellectual Inquiry
    • Criterion 3.C. Sufficiency of Faculty and Staff
    • Criterion 3.D. Support for Student Learning and Resources for Teaching
    • Criterion 3.E. Assessment of Student Learning
    • Criterion 3.F. Program Review