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Shared Governance at Detroit Mercy: Mission Effectiveness Team

Mission Effectiveness Team

The Mission Effectiveness Team develops ongoing education and promotion of mission fulfillment, coordinates awards to recognize those who foster the mission, and consistently seeks ideas from other similarly situated universities to promote even further the development of mission at Detroit Mercy.

Mission Effectiveness Team Structure

Nine-member team which reports to the Provost/VPAA and through that office to other bodies as appropriate includes:

  • one representative from University Ministry
  • one representative from the Sisters of Mercy affiliated with the University
  • one representative from the Society of Jesus affiliated with the University
  • two faculty representatives elected by the McNichols campus faculty
  • one staff representative
  • one Corktown campus representative
  • one Riverfront campus representative
  • one faculty member selected by the MFA from among its members


Mission Effectiveness Team Minutes

Mission Effectiveness Team Roster

University Ministry
Anna Bryson (term expires 8/26)*

Sisters of Mercy
Sr. Renee Kettering (term expires 8/25)*

Society of Jesus
Fr. Tim Hipskind, SJ (term expires 8/26)

McNichols Faculty
Ashlee Barnes, CHP (term expires 8/26) -Co-Chair
Mary-Catherine Harrison, CHASS (term expires 8/25) -Co-Chair

Carmen Gamlin (term expires 8/25)*

Christina Van Dam (term expires 8/25)*

Andy Moore (term expires 8/26)* - Secretary

MFA Representative
Hiba Assi (term expires 8/25)

Invited Participant

Charles Oduke, Vice President for Mission Integration (term expires 8/25)
Lori Glenn (term expires 8/26)*

*Ineligible for a third term.

Committee and Team Roles and Responsibilities

Mission Effectiveness Team Charges

       2024-2025 Mission Effectiveness Team Charges

  • Support the 2024-2025 annual theme of Radical Hospitality.
  • Review nomination and selection processes, along with the newly established timeline for Awards (Vivere ex Missione, Agere ex Missione, Mission Steward).
    • Update the form to include a question about how the nominator knows the nominee.
    • Consider processes to achieve consensus during awardee selection (voting, ranking, runoff).
    • Revisit whether administrator and staff awards should be separate.
    • Include an adjunct faculty award when relevant.
  • Explore effective ways to communicate the work of the Mission Effectiveness Team (MET), especially as it relates to the mission awards.
  • Work in collaboration with the Vice President for Mission Integration and the Office of Mission Integration.
  • Engage the diverse voices of the MET membership (current and future appointees).
  • Apprise new members of the key mission documents, including the Examen Report, OMI Self-Study, and Mission statements from various colleges, schools, and departments.
  • Develop ongoing education and promotion of mission fulfillment.
  • Coordinate awards that recognize those who foster the mission.
  • Seek ideas from Mercy and Jesuit institutions to promote even further development of mission at Detroit Mercy.